A Word from Dr Knott
Sometimes we need a little levity in life. I recently ran across a poem that made me chuckle. Yes, it is somewhat trite, but the point is well made. Author John Guest penned it.
I went to my psychiatrist to be
To find out why I killed the cat and
blackened my wife’s eyes.
He laid me on a downy couch to see
what he could find,
And this is what he dredged up
from my subconscious mind.
When I was one, my Mommy locked
my dolly in the trunk,
and so it follows naturally that I am
always drunk.
When I was two, I saw my father kiss
the maid one day.
That is why I suffer from
When I was three, I suffered from
ambivalence toward my brothers.
This is why I poisoned
all my lovers.
I’m so glad since I have learned that
lesson well taught,
That everything I do that’s wrong is
someone else’s fault.
No commentary needed.
I pray that you have a great May. Remember the Pentecost birthday celebration on May 19th. After the eleven o’clock service we will celebrate together in the Fellowship Hall. Make your reservation now.
May Christ’s peace be yours.
Chaplain’s Corner
Greetings to all our AHPC members and friends! I always hope that everyone in our church family is doing well, but as Richard and I know through pastoral care, seldom is there a time without members and friends going through one difficulty or another. Richard and I personally pray for relief for those persons. I would like to encourage each of you to pray for those in a time of need even not knowing their names. We are all part of a loving church family. God hears your prayer. Below are some suggested prayers:
“Loving God, make me aware of the difficulties someone may be experiencing this day and forgive me when I become so focused on my own problems and turn away from others who are hurting. Amen”
“O God, hear my prayer for children everywhere in this world, Protect them from harm and guide them as they face so many challenges. Keep me from ever turning my back on a child in need. Amen”
“Almighty God, help me to resist from withdrawing from others even though I may be in pain or distress. Help me to focus on others and guide me on the path that leads to Your way. Amen”
“I am eager to do Your will, O God. Guide me each day to serve You by serving others in Your holy name, Amen”
“Dear God, Your love and grace nourish me and fill me with gentleness. Let me not forget to show this love to others by using kind words and a listening ear. Amen”
“Dear God, I need Your gentle reminder to refrain from rushing through my day. During my day may there be always be time for worshipping You and helping others in need. Make me Your instrument of love.”
“O Lord, the sound of laughter is such sweet music. Help me to find reasons to laugh and be joyful today. No matter what the day may bring keep me from dwelling on problems and situations I cannot control. Instead, help me to focus on the problems of others and the blessings of Your love. Amen”
“Loving God, show me the way to reach out to those around me and share the many blessings You have bestowed upon me. May I become a reflection of Your love.”
Yours in Christ,
Chaplain Phil

Congratulations to Will Navey and Kayleigh Damphousse on their celebration of marriage last weekend in the Austin area. Will is the son of Allen and Nancy Navey. The happy couple lives in Austin. Best wishes to all!
Doug Christie and Steve Rutledge switched from carpenters to landscapers on Habitat Dedication Day April 13. Though an unlucky number, it was a lucky day for 24 families who moved into their first home. Actually, there was no luck involved as all households put in at least 300 hours of sweat equity. One family actually totaled 475 hours.
Great weather and good BarBQ added to the fun as each family got a Bible and a tool box. You had to provide your own Tylenol after a day of digging and laying sod. Thanks for your support of the Presbyterian Cluster and stay tuned for our fundraiser in the fall.

Day School
The Day school enjoyed a busy Fiesta week! On Wednesday, April 24th, we had a parade, a visit from King Antonio, Raspas and Nachos.Thursday we enjoyed our own little “Taste of Fiesta” where each classroom served a fiesta type food and the children were able to taste all of the different flavors and offerings. Yummy.