Taking cautious steps forward, we are moving our message upstairs and into the Sanctuary again. There are rules as noted by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church. From Richard: “Until this crisis passes, worship will be quite different. The content of the service will be shortened. Using the guidelines set by the General Assembly, I will order worship so that the time length will be around 40-45 minutes. There will be no hymn singing. Special music will be provided by our brave Choir Director and Paid Soloists. Yes, there will be organ music. Scriptures will be read, silent prayers will be offered, and I will do something similar to the Library Reflections. There will be no Communion nor will there be Anointing of the Sick. After the service you may, if you choose to do so, light a candle or place a prayer request on the Prayer Cross. Remember to keep your distance.” Click on the link to the recent Logos for an article detailing COVID era protocol.